These are the main websites I consulted to write this blog. Like the books, they are listed in no particular order and they are all in Italian.
– Dal Volturno a Cassino:
This is a website covering events of the Italian campaign, from October 1943 to June 1944.
– Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d’Italia:
This website has interesting information on the role played by partisans during the Italian campaign. In some cases, partisans fought alongside the Allies against the Germans, in a coordinated fashion.
– Associazione Nazionale Combattenti Forze Armate Regolari Guerra di Liberazione:
A pretty informative website focusing on the role played by Italian soldiers, rather than partisans, in the fight against the Germans.
– Banca Dati dei Caduti e Dispersi della 2° Guerra Mondiale:
A database containing information on all the Italian soldiers who died or went missing in action during the second world war.
– Esercito Italiano, La Guerra di Liberazione:
Interesting overview of the role played by the Italian army in supporting the Allies in their fight against the Germans across Italy.